Thursday, May 26, 2011

Using JSTOR To Discover Excess and Restraint in Jane Eyre

My purpose is to use JSTOR (Journal Storage), a database resource, to further my connections between Jane Eyre and the author-reader, creater-viewer, etc.  response of literary and other artistic works.

JSTOR (Journal Storage).  This is a resource indexing journal articles available online involving the humanities, social science, and more recently, science.  Some articles go back to the 19th century.  JSTOR searches also search the database ARTstor.

I browsed the database JSTOR for '"Jane Eyre" AND restraint.'  I followed the 8th link provided which was "Jane and the Other Mrs. Rochester: Excess and Restraint in "Jane Eyre"."  This article was available in its full length online.

Here is the citation for this article:
Grudin, Peter. "Jane and the Other Mrs. Rochester: Excess and Restraint in 
     "Jane Eyre"." NOVEL: A Forum on Fiction 10.2, Tenth Anniversary Issue: 
     II (1977): pp. 145-157. Print.

I learned in this article more about the historical background of a character's illness, the battle between excess and restraint and sources describing where each character stands in this battle, and how by illustration, this didactic novel effectively utilizes its character's actions to teach and elicit a response from the reader.

In rereading Jane Eyre, while paying special attention to the reader response experienced by myself and other readers, I have found more lessons in this didactic novel than ever before.  By studying these lessons individually, I will be able to study the author-reader and creator-viewer response in a more informed matter.  

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